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5 Reasons Why You Need The Violin In Your Life Right Now

today28/03/2022 4

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5 Reasons Why You Need The Violin In Your Life Right Now

A violin only has 4 strings, while its bow has several hundred horse hairs. We’ve recently covered the evolution of classical music and its impact on contemporary music and so today we’ll be adding the proverbial string to the violin’s bow (even though we know a bow has no strings) by giving you…

5 Reasons Why You Need The Violin In Your Life Right Now
1. Appreciating the Music of Today

From The Beatles’ ‘Eleanor Rigby’ to Ed Sheeran’s ‘I See Fire’, the violin has a proud place in the pantheon of modern pop music, thanks to its beginnings in the 15th century when King Louis XIII of France created an orchestra, Les 24 Violons du Roi and helped put the violin on the map.

Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Need The Violin In Your Life Right Now at Electro Wow – Music Blog.

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