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Jbledz And Alec Galloway Are Reviving Nostalgia For 80’s Synthpop

today09/07/2022 28

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Jbledz And Alec Galloway Are Reviving Nostalgia For 80’s Synthpop

Conjuring an overall air of 80s nostalgia, Jbledz and Alec Galloway transport you to a different time. There’s no arguing that the driving force behind “Don’t Fade” lies in the synthesizers, which highlight the melodious vocals and falsettos.

I can easily imagine myself singing “Don’t Fade” at the top of my lungs in the car, on the bus, or even in the shower. Of course, in a positive way, it’s extremely catchy and stunning.

Continue reading Jbledz And Alec Galloway Are Reviving Nostalgia For 80’s Synthpop at Electro Wow – Music Blog.

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